วันเสาร์ที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Drive DVD does not work.

Q : I had uninstall, Update driver. And do everything. It show that the Device manager has yellow exclamation point and then try to drive the Update driver again with the message that the Company register code 19 a curious problem that still need to fix.

A : If you are using Windows XP try.

1. Click Start.
2. Click Run.
3. In the "Open" field type REGEDIT.
4. Click OK.
5. Click "File" in the menu bar.
6. Click "Export" from the drop down menu this will open a new box.
7. Click the down arrow beside "Save In" and select "Local Disk (C".
8. In the File Name field type BACKUP.REG.
9. Verify that under the “Export Range”, that the radio button is beside "All".
10. Click Save.
11. Click the plus sign (+) beside HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. 
12. Click the plus sign (+) beside System. 
13. Click the plus sign (+) beside CurrentControlSet. 
14. Click the plus sign (+) beside Control. 
15. Click the plus sign (+) beside Class. 
16. In the left hand window pane click on {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} to select that key. 
17. In the right hand window pane select the UpperFilters registry key and press the delete key on the keyboard. 
18. Confirm with an OK. 
19. In the right hand window pane select the LowerFilters registry key and press the delete key on the keyboard. 
20. Confirm with an OK. 
21. Click the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the Registry Editor window to close it. 

Restart your Computer in order for the registry.

Office 2007 to Office 2003 Converter

Q : Another Pc don't have office 2007. How to open in office 2003

A : Office 2007 to Office 2003 Converter Download.


Win32/Sality virus remove from files has infect.

- Can't Show hidden files and folders
- Select to Hide protected operating system files
- Can't press Ctrl+Alt+Del for Windows Task Manager
- Can't Press F8 to Save Mode
- Disble Anti Virus
- infect all .EXE
- virus and autorun.inf wirte to flash dirve by randon extention.

Win32/Sality remover

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Can not attempt to delete the folder for several months.

Q : Can not attempt to delete the folder for several months.

There have the message "Cannot delete ... file name. ex .. : Cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path and filename. any suggestions how to delete folder

A : Click at Start Button. Select Run. Type explorer. Then find your folder to Delete.

Or Use application that have explorer windows service as nero Expess.

Open nero express to regular data duplication.
Then add the file directly to the shall we go to folder that cant not delete.
If the file is to delete the file before it, then delete the Folder.
Then to eliminate at the recycle bin.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

How to protect the excision Autorun.Inf files create with the virus not to be embedded in a Flash Drive Removeable storage.

You can do the following to protect Flash drive/ Removeable storage harddisk.

Insert Flash Drive open folder. Then right click and select New Folder to create a new Folder and rename the Folder to create a new name Autorun.INF, We has Autorun.INF file. Click the folder and right click and select Properties Select the Folder is Read only.At this time this Flash Drive has protected. When plug with a comma viruses and it tries to create Autorun.inf files on Flash Drive, They will can't do that, Because of file name already earmarked Autorun.INF Window will not allow for duplicate name. This is protect all viruses to be Autorun.inf file to trigger the virus is in the Flash Drive . How ever may have exe file of virus leave in Flash Drive, but it will not work with Autorun. That easy to delete virus files later.

6 sign of Harddisk nearing Broken/Dead/Bad

6 sign of Harddisk nearing Broken/Dead/Bad

Hard drive dying. You feel bad some users that hard drive is beloved by all to not return. Most have some warning signs. That it is always do. But you do not get noticed. At the same time. Most users will not backup HDD. Love one type don't backup to be faithful no have some other. Issues that would alert the useres. Don't trust too many for electric technologies. It should be noted. Here are some sigh for the dying hard drive that is read with Article 6 Tips the end and try and see with Hard drive have some of the following symptoms.

1. LED display working status of hard disk failures do not accept. Although it sounds more than reason. Sometimes it may be because the LED has a problem, but then most of the LED status light on the hard drive at all times. Quite clear that. It is something unusual. The only hard drive. And more long time to leave. Problem will not solve the insurgency and to the best.

2. Hard drive takes longer to work with. Did Your hard disk take too long to boot? In fact it may need to start the program for many minutes. But that not with standing. If it takes more than two minutes is considered a defect then it may be caused by reading. Or write to the hard disk has errors.

3. File Table can not find, if the hard drive can not find Windows Master File Table (MFT) especially. After the debacle of work unexpectedly. This case almost called that. Your hard disk into the coma and then nearly comes to death.

4. Chkdsk shows waver lose Technologies (bad sector) Bad sector is the reality of life. A utility that displays. Your hard disk has bad sector means. The deterioration is to move slowly to your hard drive at any pace. Although it is slow. But a warning signal to tell you that the wait. Backup your hard drive and then stop use.

5. Normal working hours will be a hard disk is warm, but if it can feel very hot. Sometimes the smell out. If there are symptoms like to formalize it now. Your hard disk has dying awfully.

6. History of hard disk. The hard drive had a hard fall on the floor. While still working on it. Or not or get too much heat, especially when hard drives have been installed near the cooling fan or fans lose. Both of which cause the heat inside the case higher. Heat will result in the hard disk starts with symptoms such as have trouble reading or write files. Leave as much of this. Shorter life of the hard disk has no doubt. If history is similar to the hard drive. It does not extend the life of course.

How can be download from the Web as YouTube for storeage on PC?

Easy Download the YouTube clips.

